The Last Onion Service Index

This post first appeared on my old blog in May 2017. It is preserved, but maybe not updated, here.

I made a thing.


At various times, it used to be available at jld3zkuo4b5mbios.onion, vwx4mjvwoszgnagzcrwdjlsq3pq3zyob3zpq5qissxdoivnuyylzn7yd.onion,, and ypqmhx5z3q5o6beg.onion

Most of what I wanted to say about it I've already said at those links above.

It got picked up by Motherboard, and then a few other sites picked it up. This was supposed to be a stupid little Saturday project. It isn't interesting. It isn't exciting.

Matt Traudt (pastly)

Tech, Pets, and Vettes
