It's been 2.5 months since my last update. The car is very nearly driveable at this point. This post covers all the non-electrical updates, and the next covers the electrical ones.
We installed a plate on the firewall to cover up most of the holes, and then immediately introduced a hole into it for the main wiring harness.
We did the same on the driver side for boost controller and headlight wiring and the throttle cable.
The steering wheel arrives and is installed, finishing the steering system for the first time. At the time of these pictures, just one (crappy) button is mounted for the transbrake/reverse. Later we'll install better buttons.
Thanks to the additional room created with the a spacer between the throttle body and intake manifold, the throttle cable is attached to the throttle and vroom vrooms are possible from inside the car
In preperation for seats getting installed, I cleaned up the floor and repainted it. I'm proud to report I picked a very similar gray from the choices available at the local Menards. The first two pictures are the driver side. The rust I didn't take care of will be cut out ... soon ...
An emergency kill switch is installed on the rear bumper. In case of emergency, it currently does nothing.
As everything necessary for the car to move under its own power had been installed at this point, we move it out of the shop for a family photo. It still has a bad torque converter (and no seats, and no lights, and ...) so it didn't go far. And as I'm writing this, the car can't even do this again, as I've pulled the transmission out and I'm still waiting on the new converter.
The exhaust is fabricated and finished. I'm no longer borrowing the 5" exhaust from my brother. And the waste gates dump to the ground instead of the engine bay.
Still without a torque converter, we pushed it out of the shop to show off the two step to a friend.